My name is Kate, a few things about me;
I was born and raised in New York and currently reside on the east coast, though I have a nomadic spirit and travel often. International travel suits me best.
I am a professional tarot card reader, artist, writer and mystic. I am a lateral thinker and these passions allow for great freedom in this respect.
I have a passion for music and dancing, fashion, travel, art and people.
I am clairvoyant, clairaudient and claircognizant and oh the stories I could tell! (And plan to in my blog.)
I am a psychic and a medium. My mediumship is something I am actively working to cultivate. Currently, I do not offer mediumship readings but as my studies continue this is subject to change.
I honor, encompass and celebrate womanhood, body positivity and Empress energy. This comes in the form of being comfortable with and embracing all aspects of my femininity. The result of which is heightened intuition, creativity, greater self love and more compassion for others.
I am a Mother and a Goddess. The two are not mutually exclusive.
I am a champion for the following causes and hope to use my growing platform to spread awareness and further the collective conversation about:
- Childhood abuse and neglect
- Homelessness
- LGBTQ everything
- Eliminating ageism
- Abolishing racism
(Please note this list does not make obsolete all of the other causes that are of great importance to the betterment of our society rather it notes the ones that are the most personal to me at this time.)
I enjoy being of service to Spirit. I enjoy using the gifts I was given to help people along their journeys, to facilitate their healing. I consider it an honor to do this type of work. I think everyone has the capacity to be magical and it’s a big part of what drives the work that I do.There is so much beauty in the human condition and all the foibles, quirks and flaws that come with being alive. Tarot and psychology are amazing bedmates, and although tarot falls into the category of the spiritual arts – it also serves as a powerful tool for insight, healing and transformation.
Through this portal, so appropriately titled “the inter-net” I am hoping to create a divine connection with you. Whether it be through my art, my writing, or a one on one tarot session, my desire is to connect with you in a meaningful and intimate way.
I could go on and on about myself (this is, after all, the “about me” section), but I think it would be a lot more fun for us both if we allowed things to unfold naturally.
So many people are trying to state to the world who they are, who they want to be recognized and accepted as. I simply say, “I am Me” and you are welcome to perceive that in any way that makes sense to you. I do not try to control the thoughts or opinions of others as this is an exercise in futility. I am of the firm belief that although a person can tell you who they are, it’s much more telling when they show you.
I have designed this site to serve as an invitation to healing, beauty and spiritual leveling up and my hope is that you will think so too. I encourage you to explore and enjoy what it has to offer.
Content and merchandise will be added frequently so make sure to bookmark me and join my mailing list. Thank you for finding me in the Metaverse, this is my virtual home.
Come in, stay awhile, and have a look around.